“Servant Solutions has a team of financial professionals who are dedicated to helping you reach your financial goals. Whether it is debt management, savings, or budgeting, we can help you put a plan together so you can achieve the goals that matter to you. Servant Solutions provides three levels of financial planning to help you secure your financial future. Discover which one is right for you and contact us today to get started. The Servant Solutions Financial Education options are provided at no cost to you as a member.”

Financial Calculators
"Servant Solutions has ten interactive calculators available for assisting you with your financial and retirement planning. Do you know what it takes to work towards a secure retirement? Use this calculator to help you create your retirement plan."

Educational Videos
"Whether you’re a pastor, missionary, lay-worker or teacher, or even now you’ve retired from ministry, we can help you better understand your financial situation and the current state of your retirement planning. For in-depth learning on specific..."

IRS Publications, Forms, & Links
"Pastor tax credits, clergy housing allowance, estimated taxes, charitable contributions, donations, taxable income… What do these mean for you? There are so many unique details that go into tax planning for ministry, pastors, and..."